About us
Who we are
We at Good Hair Ltd are devoted to providing the highest grade of virgin human hair extensions and lace systems to the most insightful and quality conscious women of all ethnic backgrounds. With our products consisting of a wide range of 100% virgin human hair extensions directly from the respective countries of origin, we are able to cater to a wider range of women with varying hair textures. We understand the value placed by women on their hair in relation to their whole appearance and so we provide nothing but the most natural, healthy looking, cuticle aligned, unprocessed virgin hair, cut from verified and photographed donors of the most sought after ethnicities.
What we do
Good Hair Ltd is set apart from other hair companies as we physically travel to the various countries where our hair extensions originate from and hand pick some of the donors to ensure that none of our products are chemically treated or manipulated in anyway, leaving the hair cuticles damage free.
Good Hair Ltd is celebrated as a true luxury brand in the enhancement of ethnic hair worldwide. Although we are situated in the United Kingdom, our online clientele stretches across borders as we strive to provide genuine, quality control checked virgin hair extensions and lace systems to all our customers. Most importantly, we at Good Hair Ltd appreciate all our clients and especially recognize the importance of customer service. As a result, we make every effort to ensure that all our customers boast of a very pleasant, easygoing experience with us. We are currently expanding our distribution throughout Africa, Australia, Europe and North America and we endeavor to continue to embrace the constant development of the virgin hair extension world and provide all our customers with nothing but the best products at a competitive price so that every woman may get the opportunity to feel as beautiful and alluring as she truly is.